Kunsthalle Lissabon

Performing the Institution(al): volume 3

Performing the Institution(al) - volume 3 documents Kunsthalle Lissabon's third year of activity, which happened between September 2011 and December 2012 and featured projects by Mariana Silva, André Guedes, Melvin Moti, Daniel Gustav Cramer and Haris Epaminonda, and Sancho Silva. Besides the "words don't come easy" conversation series, the book includes a new essay by Beirut in Cairo (In the Lives And Loves Of Institutions), thus adding to Kunsthalle Lissabon’s ongoing reflection on institutional practice initiated with the first volume, published in 2011. The third volume of Performing the Institution(al), edited by João Mourão and Luís Silva, is a collaboration between Kunsthalle Lissabon and ATLAS PROJECTOS, a publisher of independent art projects.

Performing the Institution(al) Vol. 3

80 pages
27 x 19.2 cm
350 copies
ISBN: 978-989-98213-2-3

€ 12,00 + packaging and shipping costs